Governing documents & annual reports

Här hittar du dokument som styr länsmuseets verksamhet.

Strategy document

The strategy plan is the museum's plan for how Kalmar County Museum views the next four years. It is on the basis of this plan that the business is planned and run during a term of office. In support of the strategy plan, the museum director, together with the management team and the employees, draws up an business plan with an action plan and budget where you can see what the museum is planning during the year to fulfill the strategy plan.

Strategic priorities

För perioden 2023–2024 har Kalmar läns museum beslutat om tre inriktningar. Varje inriktningsmål innehåller sedan olika preciseringar som ska bidra till att vi kan arbeta i den riktningen.

  • A cultural heritage institution in time
  • Attractive county museum
  • Best on site - in Kalmar County

Business plan

Kalmar County Museum's operational plan with associated budget is the annual steering document that aims to achieve the strategic goals adopted for strategy 2023–2024. The goals are important goals for us to be an attractive employer, supplier and collaboration partner.

Verksamhetsmålen för 2024 handlar om att

  • develop the strong confidence in the county museum's activities
  • strengthen the visitors' experience of the county museum
  • streamline and modernize the museum premises
  • make visible the cultural heritage and activities throughout the county.

Annual reports with annual report

Here you can download and take part in Kalmar County Museum's latest activity reports. In the annual report, we summarize how the museum's operations and finances have gone over the past year.

Kalmar läns museums verksamhetsberättelse med årsredovisning 2023 (pdf)

Kalmar county museum's report with annual report 2022 (pdf)

Kalmar County Museum's annual report with annual report 2021 (pdf)

Kalmar County Museum's annual report with annual report 2020 (pdf)

Kalmar County Museum's annual report with annual report 2019 (pdf)

Kalmar County Museum's annual report with annual report 2018 (pdf)

Kalmar County Museum's annual report with annual report 2017 (pdf)

Older annual reports

Annual reports up to and including 2016 are in the museum's archive. To view previous annual reports, contact the reception on tel. 0480-45 13 00.