
Citizens' Island

June 8, 2024 is the premiere of a new exhibition at the Kalmar county museum, Borgarnas ö. Explore the mystery and history behind Öland's ancient castles in this unique exhibition series that we create in collaboration with Stockholm University and Linnaeus University.

Vi bjuder in dig till en åttaårig upplevelse genom Ölands fascinerande arkeologiska landskap. Denna lansering sammanfaller även med 60-årsjubileet av det historiska ögonblicket då arkeologer för första gången började gräva ut Eketorps borg. Detta blir startskottet starten på en spännande resa som kastar ljus över de mytomspunna fornborgarna och deras sammanhang. Missa inte denna unika möjlighet att fördjupa dig i Ölands historia och ölänningarnas liv under järnåldern. 

About the exhibition

Formgivaren Johanna Strand har gestaltat en omslutande upplevelse likt en fornborg med audiovisuella produktioner och fantasifulla byggnationer. En stor fysisk karta över Öland kommer att vara navet i utställningen. Pekskärmar vid kartan ger besökaren möjlighet att själva utforska alla fornborgar. På en annan plats kommer besökaren kunna ställa frågor direkt till en virtuell öländsk järnåldersfamilj genom avancerad teknik. Det blir en unik interaktiv filmupplevelse som gör historien ännu mer levande och tillgänglig.

The exhibition also presents an informative timeline that tells about historical events as well as several archaeological finds from the collections, most of which come from the current exhibition about Sandby Castle. Sandby castle, together with Eketorps castle, represent the two most excavated castles to date. The visitor will have the opportunity to see the differences and similarities between these two significant places.

A significant and active role in the development and content of the exhibition series has the new eight-year research program on the ancient citizens of Öland - "Crisis, conflict and climate - social change in Scandinavia in the years 300-700". This program, financed by the Riksbank's anniversary fund, is led by archaeologists at Stockholm University and also includes archaeologists from Linnaeus University and the Kalmar County Museum. What do we know today about Öland's ancient castles? And what do the researchers want to find out? At a special place in the exhibition, visitors get the chance to follow the progress of research in real time.

Publika program, evenemang och skolprogram

The exhibition will include a number of different events and program activities that connect to the current theme for the year. We are pleased to announce that Helena Victor will be sharing stories about different types of Iron Age crafts on February 7th. On March 13, Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay will come to us to give a talk about the grand man's farm in Gamla Skogsby, which has been excavated on several occasions, most recently in the fall. May 8 is reserved for a lecture on Öland and the Iron Age. We look forward to additional lectures that will be added later and look forward to creating a rewarding and educational experience for our visitors. In addition to this, we offer various school programs.

Synlighet på Öland

The exhibition will also be seen on Öland, where we plan to establish "portals" in two locations. These portals will offer opportunities to share research results and participate in program activities starting in 2024 and throughout the period of the exhibition series, which extends until 2031.